eTemperature 8.27 Release Date
eTemperature version 8.27 was released on 5th June 2014.
New eTemperature Features
Recent file list
The recent file list is now sortable. Click on the heading and the list will be sorted on that column. Changing the columnn sorting will also change the displayed sorting list.
The name has the numeric prefix removed if present.
Word export
The word export feature has now been sped up. It wasn’t noticeable on the development machine but some users were experiencing a long delay at the end of the download. This has now been fixed.
eTemperature Bug Fixes
Rollover occured
There was a problem with the rollover occured flag not being correctly displayed at all times.
Password setting
There were a couple of versions that set the password in the Thermocron. The bug hasn’t been found but the entire feature area has been disabled. This was in version 8.24. Version 8.27 changes the underlying data type.