eTemperature Version 8.28 Released
eTemperature 8.28 eTemperature version 8.28 has just been uploaded. This is a minor bug fix release which fixes an “overflow error” found with TCU thermocron temperature loggers where the last reading was below 15°C, eTemperature 8.27 eTemperature version 8.27 had some nice user features added included being able to sort the most recent list of […]
eTemperature 8.27 Released
eTemperature 8.27 Release Date eTemperature version 8.27 was released on 5th June 2014. New eTemperature Features Recent file list The recent file list is now sortable. Click on the heading and the list will be sorted on that column. Changing the columnn sorting will also change the displayed sorting list. The name has the numeric […]
eTemperature Version 8.24 Released
eTemperature 8.24 has two key changes: New data formats for the Excel export Dual sliders for the min/max instead of two sliders Excel export formats When pressing the Excel button, you now have 3 options. All readings: The first option will export the entire table as is, and is the equivalent to how eTemperature used […]
eTemperature Version 8.23 Released
Version 8.23 of eTemperature has just been released. This is a minor release that fixes a bug that fixes a minor bug that was found on two sites. It has not been reported on other sites. Recent updates of eTemperature have a built-in update feature and will automatically receive the update. Alternatively, the “Check for […]
eTemperature Version 8.21 Released
Version 8.21 of eTemperature has now been released. This is primarily a bug fix for the min/max plus extremes report. Min/max plus extremes Many customers are familiar with min/max thermometers. They would write the minimum and maximum temperatures down each day and reset the thermometer. The benefit of this was a very compact record of […]
eTemperature 8.19 Released
eTemperature version 8.19 has just been released. This is a critical update for all versions since 8.11. Autosave The “auto-save” feature has been unreliable since version 8.11. To also ensure that users are clearly informed as to when results are saved, the dialog box has been reintroduced. This will mean that if you are using […]
eTemperature Version 8.15 Released
eTemperature Version 8.15 has been released. This is a minor release. Report changes When we converted to a new reporting engine we gained a number of features. These include – users being able to modify the report – more export options for saving the report – a higher resolution graph output But some old features […]
eTemperature version 8.14 Released – Changing The Unknown
This is another minor release with a feature requested by a customer. It is now possilbe to change the description when the results have been downloaded or saved. This is to help people who forgot to set the description up originally and it just shows as “unknown”. The new name will appear in reports, in […]
eTemperature V8.13 released
eTemperature Version 8.13 has just been released. This is primarly a bug fix release with no significant new features. The key new features include: – ”Save as…” menu item under “File”. This is to allow people to easily open a file and save it under a different name or new location. – “Check for updates […]
eTemperature version 8.14 released
Just a minor update. There were some settings that were previously being saved that weren’t in the latest couple versions. For example, eTemperature remembers the sample rate etc that you last used as the default for next time it starts. The fast start button configuration was also being lost. We have also been streamlining our […]
eTemperature 8.11 released
eTemperature 8.11 has just been released. It is available as a free upgrade to all paid users. Features include a new “Home” tab, “Web/Blog” tab, and “Like” button. The home tab is probably the most important change for all users. It displays all files that were saved within the last year by default. The date […]