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Temperature readings

The temperature readings option will change how the settings tab and graph tab will display the temperature results.


"Raw" shows the value between 0 and 255 (or 65,535) that is retrieved from the temperature logger. This is provided for users who want to validate the original data and should not be used by most people.


Time format

Most users will require absolute time where the date and time are shown. The "Absolute format" is then used to determine how it is displayed. This is the standard windows formatting syntax for showing the date and time. By default it is "DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS" (i.e days, months, 2 digit year, hours, minutes seconds)


Histogram format

The histogram tab is hidden by default. It is available on the TC and TCZ models of the Thermocron but has caused more confusion than benefit. If displayed (see Tabs) then the axis can be count, duration or percentage.



Style provides a range of skins/styles for the software. It's a gimic, but some do look good.


Edit reports

See Customising the reports





The "Tabs" tab determines which tabs will be displayed.


The histogram and alarms tabs will only be displayed when retrieving results from a TC or TCZ.


The profile tab is a feature that is no longer supported. It was for a specific research project which has now ended. The functionality still exists and should work. It displays a 24 column grid (one column per hour, one row per day) with a red, green, blue colour coding for if it was too hot, cold or always within range. Contact [email protected] if you require additional support.


The Settings option is provided to allow companies to have a version of eTemperature where it is read only (i.e. the thermocrons can not be reprogrammed).





Thermocron memory usage

See Memory Usage


Use database

See Access Database


International settings

eTemperature has multiple language support but requires the text to be translated. If you are interested in translating eTemperature into your local language please contact [email protected]


Log heading

Log heading is the title that appears on the log report. It can either be fixed text (i.e. what ever the user enters in the text box), or it will be the description that was programmed into the logger at the start.



Time Analysis

See Time analysis